Jesus Youth Ireland

A Missionary Movement At The Service Of The Church


P.U.S.H Challenge

We challenge every Jesus Youth to sign up and dedicate one day during September to step away from the busyness of life and spend time in prayer—for your personal spiritual renewal and to intercede for the Church and our movement.


Outreach Child Support

"You can make a difference in a child's life"

Jesus Youth

An International Association within the Catholic Church with a focus on evangelising young people,
promoting an active Christian way of life and nurturing their missionary initiatives.

Passionately Catholic

In our vision, approach and expression

Joyfully Charismatic

In our vision, outreaches and trainings

Uncompromisingly Missionary

In spirituality, spontaneity, & focus on communities

Get Involved!

Youth Groups

Dublin & Cork


Teen Groups


Family Groups

Night Vigil


Nurses Ministry
